Thursday, January 28, 2010

sooo tired went to the gym and worked myself! why do we do this?
waiting for husband to get home from surfing... then going to the in laws for waffles- yummy! just reduced a few prices in my shop in hope of some more sales :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi sewsicora, you are amazing. To create a blog in a matter of minutes is magical. :)
    I saw your post on an etsy forums thread about blogs and you decided you wanted a blog and by-golly you went and made yourself a new blog. I think that is just fantastic.
    Now just a tiny bit of about a photo or picture every once in a while ? It'll add interest and color to your blog and a lot of blog readers prefer blogs that have pictures. Guess they probably don't like to read books without pictures either. LOL
    Best wishes for a most successful blog. :)
